Monday, December 16, 2019


Otherwise their was a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the page in security level 5. These new tokens have an entropy of around bits. Everything should work now. The fun never ends. Also, the size of the mascot image was reduced to give the user more screen space. In insecure mode, the site allows any input and simply outputs whatever is input without any encoding. Made menu smaller width. mutillidae 2.1.7

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Fixed a XSS vuln in user-info. Dead link in pen-test-tool-lookup. There is a 2.17 menu called Beef Framework Targets. Windows XP already verified. Added more hints into the user-agent impersonation page Moved header, footer, log-visit, and config. Extremely configurable, it is the ideal choice for various applications including setting up a virtual lab to practice penetration testing.

mutillidae 2.1.7

Muutillidae XML contained second copy of username in the signature field New feature: Created a new class to handle remote file duties Minor documentation improvements Fixed function call in YouTubeVideoHandler. Patched issues in nusoap version 0.

Fixed a bug in index. Added the various commands needed when performing command injection to open up telnet on a Windows XP host. A large number of hints has been added to the page. Credit Kevin Johnson secureideas. The page supports Local and Session storage types. This is described by Gareth Heyes at http: Added "validation" to the html5 storage page for the "key" field.

If the user was on the home page, without having clicked any link to this point such as when using a bookmarkthen the user clicked the "change security level", the page would redirect to page not found. Students should try to XSS the cookie and see what happens. Fixed bug in usage instructions and rewrote the instructions.

TechJournal: Mutillidae Deliberately Vulnerable Web App Updated (a lot)

Previously logging statements has to be copied to each spot that logging was needed. The new page includes hints.

Jeremy Druin has been doing a lot of work on Mutillidae. Incorrect img tag syntax in rene-magritte. They can also try to use XSS to steal the session storage. Changed username label on login page from name to username.

mutillidae 2.1.7

Added user account enumeration to SOAP lookup user information web service. Converted styles to CSS Collected images into single folder Added links to helpful tools and sites with more information: Please download the distribution before moving to the next step.

Detailed information about the release can be found at: 2.17. a new security level. Fixed broken link to https: The page-break style has been added to the affected pages. You may have to type in the internal network name manually if it has not been used before. Made version a variable in index.

Advanced Penetration Testing For Highly-Secured Environments

This page is vulnerable to JSON injection. This example assumes Mutillidae is running on localhost.

mutillidae 2.1.7

Improved documentation on ws-user-account.

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